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€2 - €62


The 'Seeds' section offers a wide selection of seeds for every gardener - from amateurs to professionals.

Enjoy a variety of vegetable, flower and herb seeds grown with attention to quality and sustainability.

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Decorative (12)

Herbs and Spices
<p>The 'Herbs and Spices' section offers a variety of aromatic and medicinal herb seeds. Grow your own collection of fresh herbs for the kitchen or for medicinal purposes in the comfort of your home or garden.</p>

Herbs and Spices (20)

<p>The 'Vegetables' section offers a wide selection of vegetable seeds which are ideal for any gardener wishing to grow healthy and fresh vegetables at home.</p>

Vegetables (48)


Reed Canary Grass seeds (Phalaris arundinacea) - 5g

Branched reed (Phalaris arundinacea) is a highly resistant perennial herbaceous species suitable for landscaping and erosion control. We offer a package of 5 grams, enough to plant about 1000 plants.

Sacred Ficus - Seeds - 2g

2 g seeds Ficus religiosa , Bodhiboom or " Sacred ficus " - a magnificent tree with an exotic and elegant appearance. Our Sacred Ficus seeds give you the opportunity to grow this unique plant and enjoy its beauty and grace.

  • the package contains: 2 g of seeds

Thyme 2500 seeds (±) / 0.5 gr

Thyme - an aromatic herb with healing properties, ideal for the garden and kitchen. We offer seeds for growing thyme that will add flavor and aroma to any dish and enrich your herb garden.


Chinese Hackberry "CELTIS sinensis" - 10 seeds - 1.5g

10 seeds CELTIS sinensis or " Chinese Hackberry " ( Chinese white poplar ) - a magnificent tree that is distinguished by the grace of its leaves and its aesthetic value. Our Chinese Hackberry seeds give you the opportunity to grow this wonderful plant and enjoy its beauty and uniqueness.

  • the package contains: 10 seeds

Prunella vulgaris seeds 0.2 g / ± 100 pcs

Organically produced Prunella vulgaris seeds.

Also called Prishnitsa, it is a well-known herb in folk medicine in our country and around the world since ancient times. It is used to treat various inflammations. The whole plant is edible. The leaves are suitable for salads and soups after being thoroughly rinsed. Its beautiful violet flowers attract bees and butterflies and beautify the garden.

  • the package contains: 0.2 g of seeds (about 100 pcs.)
  • An easy plant to grow
  • Perennial semi-evergreen
  • Sowing period: April - July
  • Flowering: summer and early autumn
  • Height: up to 50 cm
  • It is a creeping plant and spreads up to 50 cm
  • A product of sustainable agriculture

Japanese Maple "ACER palmatum" - 25 seeds

25 seeds ACER palmatum or " Japanese maple " - a refined and beautiful tree, which is distinguished by its elegant leaves and aesthetic value. Our Japanese Maple seeds give you the opportunity to grow this wonderful plant and enjoy its beauty and uniqueness.


  • the package contains: 25 seeds

Lemon balm - 2000 seeds - 1g

1 g / ± 2000 seeds of Melissa officinalis , or as it is known in our country, lemon balm is a perennial herbaceous plant of the family Lilacs, growing in southern Europe and the Mediterranean. The lands around the Mediterranean Sea are considered her homeland. It is cultivated in many countries of Europe and North America. It reaches a height of 70-150 cm. The leaves have a slight lemon smell.


  • the package contains: 1 g / ± 2000 seeds




Oregano ± 7.500 seeds (1g)

Oregano - aromatic and perennial herb, popular in cooking. We offer high-quality oregano seeds that will enrich your herb garden and bring a Mediterranean flavor to your kitchen.

Cortaderia, Pampas pink grass (Cortaderia Selloana) - 2500 seeds (0.5g)

Cortaderia, also known as Pampas pink grass. An ideal choice for lovers of exotic plants who wish to add elegance and a colorful accent to their garden.


Chinese Elm Seeds 150 pcs (±) / 1 g

1 g / ± 150 pcs seeds ULMUS parvifolia or " Chinese elm " - an extremely beautiful tree, which is distinguished by its exotic appearance and elegant leaves. Our Chinese Elm seeds give you the opportunity to grow this unique plant and enjoy its beauty and horticultural potential.

  • the package contains: 1 g / ± 150 seeds

Basil "Dark Opal" - 1400 seeds 2g

2 g / ± 1400 pcs Basil seeds " Dark Opal " is a variety of Ocimum basilicum , developed by John Scarchuk and Joseph Lent at the University of Connecticut in the 1950s. With deep purple, sometimes mottled leaves, it is grown for both its decorative appeal and culinary value.


  • the package contains: 2 g / ± 1400 seeds

Pyrethrum - 3500 seeds - 10g

10 g / ± 3500 seeds Tanacetum coccineum or as it is known in our country " Pyretrum " is easy to grow and enjoys sunny places. It prefers well-drained soil and is resistant to various weather conditions. This makes it a suitable choice for gardens, balconies or outdoor spaces. Try "Pyrethrum" and enjoy the beauty and grace of this flower. It will bring freshness and color diversity to your environment, creating a pleasant atmosphere and visual pleasure.


  • the package contains: 10 g / ± 3500 seeds

Peruvian black mint - 6000 seeds - 5g

5 g / ± 6000 seeds Tagetes minuta , variety "Huacatay Mint", also known as Peruvian mint , Black mint ( hot ) - rich in vitamins and minerals, with an attractive aroma.


  • the package contains: 5 g / ± 6000 seeds

Ginkgo Biloba - 10 seeds

10 seeds of GINKGO biloba or " Ginkgo biloba " - an extremely valuable tree, which is distinguished by its fan-shaped leaves and its many beneficial properties. Our Ginkgo biloba seeds give you the opportunity to grow this magnificent plant and enjoy its unique qualities.

  • the package contains: 10 seeds

Amaranth, red - 2g seeds

2 g of Amaranthus caudatus seeds or " Foxtail " amaranth - red is a type of annual flowering plant. It goes by common names such as love lies bleeding, hanging amaranth, tassel flower, velvet flower, foxtail amaranth, and kelly.


  • the package contains: 2 g of seeds

Anise - 1000 seeds 5g

5 g / ± 1000 seeds Pimpinella anisum or " Anise " - a fragrant and tasty plant that will charm you with its exquisite aroma and beneficial properties. Our Anise seeds give you the opportunity to grow this wonderful plant and enjoy its unique qualities.


  • the package contains: 5 g / ± 1000 seeds

White - crawling clover (Trifolium repens) 1980g + 100g for 75-100m²

White creeping clover (Trifolium repens) 1980g + 100g, suitable for planting an area of 75 to 100 square meters. An ideal choice for creating a dense, green carpet that adapts well to a variety of soil conditions. Supports biodiversity by attracting beneficial insects.

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Mint spicata 2500 seeds (0.2 g)

Peppermint - Jojen Seeds: Freshen up your garden and kitchen with our Jojen seeds. Known for its stimulating aroma and numerous culinary uses, it is easy to grow and perfect for any herb corner.


Chives - 1600 seeds 2g

2 g / ± 1600 seeds Allium schoenoprasum , also known as " Siberian onion ", chives , chives , chives , salad onions or Wallachian onions is a type of onion native to Europe and Asia. The plant is also included in the list of medicinal plants according to the Medicinal Plants Act. enjoy the natural taste and aroma they offer. These seeds give you the opportunity to be part of nature and grow fresh and delicious chives to use in your kitchen.


the package contains: 2 g / ± 1600 seeds


Parsley with smooth leaves 2000 seeds (±) / 5 gr

Parsley with smooth leaves - add freshness and rich flavor to your dishes with our seeds. The package includes 2000 seeds for growing parsley with smooth, bright green leaves that are easy to cut and perfect for culinary use.

Leave us an order or message, we will contact you for clarification!

Chia 40g

40 g of Salvia hispanica seeds, Chia ( chia ) - an extremely nutritious and useful seed that has unique qualities and advantages for your health and well-being. Our Chia seeds are of superior quality and guarantee excellent results when grown and consumed.


  • the package contains: 40 g of seeds

"Strawberry Red" Corn (for Popcorn) 50 seeds (±) / 5 gr

"Strawberry Red" POPCORN is a unique variety, available in a 5g seed packet, that produces kernels with a bright red color, providing an extraordinary culinary experience and delicious popcorn.


Common Bistort Seeds (Persicaria bistorta) - 0.3g Bistorta seeds

0.3 g of seeds of Bistorta officinalis or " The common bloodsucker " is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Lapadovi family with a bare stem, with winged basal leaves with long petioles and with flowers collected in apical cylindrical spike-like inflorescences.


  • the package contains: 0.3 g of seeds

"Lemon" / "Crystal Apple" Cucumbers 25 seeds

CUCUMBER LEMON "Crystal Apple / Lemon" is an original variety with a pack of 25 seeds that grow round, sweet cucumbers with a slight lemon hue and delicate aroma. Suitable for salads, pickling and fresh consumption.

Marsh Mallow plant seeds (Althaea officinalis) 1g seeds

Organically produced Stachys palustris seeds

The marsh wort, as it is known in Bulgarian folk medicine, is an edible* plant from the licorice family. In autumn , it forms tasty root tubers , which in the past were often used when other food was lacking. It has healing properties**: antiseptic, antispasmodic, hemostatic, etc. Its pinkish-purple flowers attract bees and other pollinators.

  • This product can only be purchased ONLINE
  • Hardy and easy to grow plant
  • Perennial
  • Sowing period: March - May
  • Flowering: summer
  • Height: up to 100 cm
  • It is a creeping plant and spreads up to 1 m.
  • A product of sustainable agriculture
  • Package contents: 1g seeds

"Etna" Chilly Pepper (Peperoncino ETNA) 25 seeds

Peppers 'Chili Etna' / Peperoncino ETNA - grow a flame in your garden with these dazzling red and hot peppers. We offer you a pack of 25 seeds to create your own 'Etna' peppers that are as hot as they are beautiful.


Chinese wild onion - 1500 seeds 5g

Allium tuberosum or the well-known in our country " Chinese spring onion " is popular in Chinese cuisine and is widely used in Asian gastronomy. With it, you will add a unique aroma and taste to your kitchen, while benefiting from its beneficial properties for health. Try it and enjoy the richness of Chinese gastronomy!


  • the package contains: 5 g / ± 1500 seeds

Seeds of Red Bergamot / Monarda 2 g / ± 350 pcs

2 g / ± 350 seeds Monarda didyma , or as it is known in our country as Red bergamot / Monarda is a type of aromatic herb reaching a height of 0.7 - 1.5 meters. The stems have a square cross-section. The leaves are about 6 – 15 cm long and 3 – 8 cm wide. They are dark green with reddish leaf veins with a coarsely toothed edge and hairs on the underside. The flowers are bright red and tubular with a length of about 3-4 cm.


  • the package contains: 2 g / ± 350 seeds

Common Scurvy-grass (Cochlearia officinalis) 1g seeds

Bio-certified Cochlearia seeds (Cochlearia officinalis).
Cochlearia is a plant from the horseradish family. It is known for its high vitamin C content, which is why it has been used to treat scurvy. In addition to its medicinal properties, the leaves have a slightly spicy taste and are good addition to salads. The flowers attract bees and other pollinators.

  • Relatively easy to grow
  • Perennial evergreen
  • Sowing period: spring or autumn
  • Flowering: May to August
  • Height: up to 30 cm
  • It grows in tufts
  • Bio-certified product
  • Package contents: 1g seeds

"Dong Xuan Market" White Chilly Pepper 15 seeds

Experience the uniqueness of HOT PEPPER White "Dong San Market" with this set of 15 seeds. Suitable for gardeners looking for unusual hot peppers, this variety offers not only an impressive white color, but also an intense hot taste.


ALFALFA 50g - Alfalfa

50 g of Medicago sativa , Alfaalfa or " Alfalfa " seeds - a magnificent plant known for its beneficial properties and high nutritional value. Our Alfalfa seeds give you the opportunity to grow this valuable plant and enjoy its many benefits.


  • the package contains: 50 g of seeds

Tomato seeds variety "Ballerina" (Ballerina) 15 pcs

Lebanese tomato – impressive size and rich flavor

Enjoy this Lebanese tomato variety with exceptionally large, pink-red fruits and a sweet, rich flavor. The plants reach a height of up to 180 cm and are ideal for gardens or large containers. Easy to grow and perfect for salads, sauces or canning, this variety will add flavor and elegance to any dish.

Each package contains 15 seeds.


Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) - 750 seeds (0.75g)

Lavender - magic in color and aroma. We offer high quality lavender seeds that will bring a soothing atmosphere to your home and garden with their beautiful violet flowers and distinctive aroma.


Tarragon - 2500 seeds - 0.5g

0.5 g / ± 2500 seeds of Artemisia dracunculoides Pursch , also known as Taros or Tarragon (Russian) , is a perennial plant of the Compositae family. It is used as a spice, using the upper stem parts together with the leaves and flowers. They contain 0.80% essential oil (60-75% estragole), flavonoids, glycosides, inulin, vitamins, etc.


  • each package contains: 0.5 g / ± 2500 seeds

Yellow Beak Pepper seeds (Capsicum Chinense) 15 seeds

Hot pepper "Yellow Chovcitsa" (Capsicum chinense - "Biquinho Amarela").

The little yellow chowches, as the Brazilians called them, are relatively mildly spicy chuches. A modest 1000 scovils were measured with them. By comparison, pure capsaicin, which is responsible for the pepper's heat, is 16,000,000 scovils. Marinated with garlic, vinegar and spices, they are the perfect snack. They perfectly complement any meal. Their taste is balanced: the weak sweetness is complemented by a light citrus-fruit note and a smoky aroma.

  • The package contains:   15 seeds
  • Hotness: mildly hot
  • Annual plant*
  • Sowing period: January-April seedlings are made, and in May they are planted in the garden or in a greenhouse .
  • Flowering and fruiting: late July - October *
  • Fruit size: 3 cm long and 1 cm wide.
  • Height: up to 80 cm

Fenugreek seeds 40 city

40 g of Trigonella foenum-graecum , ECO-FENEGRIEK or " Fenugreek " seeds - an incredibly aromatic and beneficial herb that can enrich your garden and culinary experience. Fenugreek, also known as coriander, offers a variety of growing and culinary uses.


  • the package contains: 40 g of seeds

"Heart of the Bull" Tomatoes (Ox Heart / Cuor di Bue / Coeur de Boeuf) 25 seeds

Pink tomato "Buffalo Heart"

The pink tomato 'Buffalo Heart' is an incredible variety, known for its large, heart-shaped fruits and exceptional flavor. Juicy and fleshy, these tomatoes offer a sweet and fresh note with low acidity, making them perfect for salads, sauces or for direct consumption. With its beautiful pink color and aromatic flavor, this variety is a real delight for the senses. Easy to grow, it will add not only flavor but also beauty to your garden.


"Magnet F1" Chinese Radish seeds 1 gr

CHINESE RADISH Magnet F1 - introduce an Asian flavor to your kitchen with these hybrid seeds. Available in a 1 gram pack, ideal for growing crisp, juicy radishes with fast growth and excellent taste.

Hot pepper Chinese Five Color/ "Bolivian Rainbow" (Capsicum frutescens) 10 seeds

Hot pepper "Bolivian Rainbow" ( Capsicum frutescens - "Bolivian Rainbow" ). This variety, looking like a flower bouquet of patterned bellflowers, will decorate your garden or balcony, but it will not disappoint you with its hotness. From 50,000 to 70,000 scovils were measured with him. By comparison, pure capsaicin, which is responsible for the pepper's heat, is 16,000,000 scovils. It is suitable for fresh consumption and for adding to dishes. Due to the tufted shape of the stem, these pepper plants make a wonderful bonsai .

  • The package contains: 10 seeds
  • Lutivina: hot
  • Annual plant*
  • Sowing period: January-April seedlings are made, and in May they are planted in the garden or in the greenhouse .
  • Flowering and fruiting: late July - October *
  • Fruit size: 2 cm long and 1 cm wide.
  • Height: up to 90 cm

Hot pepper Habanero Chocolate (Capsicum chinense) 10 seeds

Hot pepper Habanero Chocolate ( Capsicum chinense ).

This connoisseur chili pepper only hides its 250,000-425,000 pods behind its mouth-watering chocolate appearance. By comparison, pure capsaicin, which is responsible for the pepper's heat, is 16,000,000 scovils. Its aroma is smoky and fruity.


  • the package contains: 10 seeds
  • Hotness: very hot
  • Annual plant*
  • Sowing period: January-April seedlings are made, and in May they are planted in the garden or in a greenhouse .
  • Flowering and fruiting: late July - October *
  • Fruit size: 5 cm long and 3 cm wide.
  • Height: up to 80 cm

Lemon grass (Cymbopogon flexuosus) ± 1350 seeds (0.5g)

Lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus) - add tropical scent and flavor to your kitchen. We offer lemongrass seeds that are easy to grow and ideal for making aromatic dishes, teas and for use in aromatherapy.

"Zakopane" Tomatoes (Zwarte Cevennes) 15 seeds

- rich in vitamins and minerals; - essential for the normal functioning of the body; - the thinnest crust; - juicy and tender pulp; - attractive aroma. Each package contains 15 seeds.


"Red Noble" Chilli Pepper (Fidalga Roxa) 10 seeds

HOT PEPPER "Red Noble" / Fidalga Roxa - pack of 10 seeds. These seeds are the perfect choice for gardening enthusiasts who want to add color and spice to their garden. "Chervena Blagorodnichka" is a variety with uniquely attractive fruits, which are not only beautiful in appearance, but also offer a rich spicy taste.


"Orchid" Chilly Pepper 15 seeds

HOT PEPPER "Orchid" / Orchid is an elegant variety that produces fruits with a unique shape reminiscent of an orchid. Seed grown pepper plants are known for their intriguing appearance and balanced hotness, making them ideal for decorative purposes and culinary delights.


"Brazilian Starfish" Aji Chilly Pepper 15 seeds

HOT PEPPER "Morska zvezda" / Brazilian Starfish is an exotic variety, with the shape of a starfish and a sweet, fruity taste with a slight pungency, this variety is ideal for pepper lovers who prefer uniqueness and taste.

Ghost pepper (Capsicum chinense - "Bhut Jolokia") 10 seeds

Hot "Ghost" pepper - Ghost pepper (Capsicum chinense - "Bhut Jolokia").

This is one of the hottest types of pepper! It is not by chance that this hybrid, obtained in northeastern India, is called "spooky". A whopping 900,000 to 1,200,000 scovils have been measured with him. By comparison, pure capsaicin, which is responsible for the pepper's heat, is 16,000,000 scovils. Besides spicing up curries, the local population uses it to drive elephants off their properties, and the army has the right to use it in the form of caustic bombs in military operations.

  • the package contains: 10 seeds
  • Hotness: very hot
  • Annual plant*
  • Sowing period: January-April seedlings are made, and in May they are planted in the garden or in a greenhouse .
  • Flowering and fruiting: late July - October *
  • Fruit size: 5-8 cm long and 2-3 cm wide.
  • Height: up to 120 cm

"Green Zebra" Tomatoes 25 seeds

Tomato variety "Green Zebra" - rich in vitamins and minerals; - essential for the normal functioning of the body; - the thinnest crust; - juicy and tender pulp; - attractive aroma. Each package contains 25 seeds.

Hot pepper "Madame Jeanette" (Capsicum chinense) 15 seeds

Hot pepper "Madame Jeanette" ( Capsicum chinense "Madame Jeanette" ). It is no coincidence that it is called "Madame Jeanette", this hot pepper is "perfumed" with a wide range of aromas with hints of pineapple and mango . From 100,000 to 350,000 scovils were measured with him. By comparison, pure capsaicin, which is responsible for pepper's heat, is 16,000,000 scovils. Its flavor is rich and can be felt throughout the oral cavity, which makes it not particularly suitable for fresh consumption. It is preferred in sauces and various dishes.

  • the package contains: 15 seeds
  • Hotness: very hot
  • Annual plant*
  • Sowing period: January-April seedlings are made, and in May they are planted in the garden or in the greenhouse .
  • Flowering and fruiting: late July - October *
  • Fruit size: 4-12 cm long and 3-5 cm wide.
  • Height: up to 70 cm

"Padron" Chilly Pepper (Pimientos de Padron) 25 seeds

"Padron" peppers / Pimientos de Padron - package of 25 seeds. Perfect for cooking and baking, these peppers offer a surprising variety of flavors, from sweet to mildly hot. Perfect for any culinary experiments.


"Turkish Orange" Eggplant 25 seeds

EGGPLANT "Turkish Orange" is an exotic variety of eggplant with a pack of 25 seeds, which produces bright orange fruits with a sweet and aromatic taste. These fruits are ideal for preparing a variety of dishes and adding a colorful accent to any table.

"Red Long of Florence" Onion seeds (Rossa Lunga di Firenze) 1250 (±) / 5 gr

Red onion ROSSA LUNGA DI FIRENZE (Allium cepa) - Italian onion variety with elongated shape and deep red color. These seeds are selected to grow delicious and juicy onions, perfect for salads and cooking.

"Naga Morich" Chilly Pepper 15 seeds

Naga Moric peppers are one of the hottest peppers in the world, originating from Bangladesh. This pack contains 15 seeds perfect for growing at home or in the garden. The seeds promise a rich harvest of peppers with an intense hot taste, suitable for preparing a variety of spicy dishes.

"Leviathan Gnarly Scorpion" Chilly Pepper 10 seeds

Discover the fiery taste of "Leviathan Scorpion" HOT PEPPER! This pack contains seeds for growing one of the world's hottest pepper varieties. Perfect for thrill seekers, Leviathan Scorpion is sure to challenge even the bravest.


"JAFSH Black" Chilly Pepper 10 seeds

HOT PEPPER "JAFSH black" is a pack of 10 quality seeds. Ideal for lovers of hot and aromatic peppers, this variety offers not only a unique dark color, but also an expressive taste that can transform any dish.


"Green Giant" Green Tomatoes 10 seeds

Tomato "Green Giant"

- rich in vitamins and minerals;
- essential for the normal functioning of the body;
- the thinnest crust;
- juicy and tender pulp;
- attractive aroma.

Each package contains 10 seeds.

"KN-Bravo F1" Radish 250 seeds (±) / 3 gr

Radish 'Ka En Bravo' / KN Bravo - add color and flavor to your garden with our seeds. The package contains 250 seeds for growing juicy and fragrant radishes with a deep purple color, which are ideal for eating raw and garnishing dishes.

"Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend" Chilly Pepper 5 seeds

PEPPER Trinidad Scorpion Moruga - challenge your senses with one of the hottest peppers in the world. This pack contains 5 seeds to grow the remarkable and hotly spicy Trinidad Scorpion Moruga.

"Thunder Mountain Longhorn" Chilly Pepper 15 seeds

'Thunder Mountain Longhorn' PEPPER - Strikingly long and mildly hot, these peppers are the perfect choice for lovers of exotic varieties. The pack contains 15 seeds that will grow long and elegant fruits, perfect for baking, pickling and garnishing dishes.

"Buffalo's Heart White" Tomatoes (Coeur de Boeuf Blanc / Weisses Ochsenher) 15 seeds

Tomato 'White Buffalo Heart' - discover the taste of the rare and aromatic tomato with our seeds. Each packet contains 15 seeds ready to grow juicy and fleshy fruits with a unique creamy white color and sweet taste.


"Habanero Lemon" Chilly Pepper 15 seeds

HOT PEPPER "Habanero Lemon" is an exciting variety that combines the intense spiciness of habanero with refreshing citrus notes. This set of 15 seeds offers a unique opportunity to add to your garden peppers with bright yellow color and a rich flavor profile, perfect for bright sauces and savory dishes.


"Brown Derby Mix" Tomatoes 15 seeds

Tomato 'Brown Derby' - discover the unique taste of these gourmet tomatoes with our seeds. The package includes 15 seeds that will give you access to ornate and fragrant tomatoes with an attractive dark brown color.


"Bishop's Crown" Chilly Pepper 10 seeds

OFFICER'S CROWN HOT PEPPER / Bishop's Crown is a unique variety with a pack of 10 seeds that produce a fruit with a dramatic crown-like shape. This strain offers a mild spiciness and a distinctive sweet taste that is perfect for those looking for moderately spicy pleasures.

"Cochabamba" Aji Chilly Pepper 15 seeds

Discover the unique flavor of the Cochabamba HOT PEPPER with our 15 seed pack. Originating from the picturesque region of Cochabamba, these seeds promise to bring a rich and spicy flavor to your kitchen. The variety is known for its medium-sized, highly spicy fruits, which are perfect for preparing authentic Bolivian dishes.


"Charapita Peach" Aji Chilly Pepper 15 seeds

CHIP PEPPER "Peach Charapita" is an exotic variety from Peru, which is known for its small, round and orange fruits. This variety offers not only a beautiful appearance, but also an explosive spicy taste, which is perfect for adding to various dishes and sauces.

"Massimo's Erotico" Chilly Pepper 10 seeds

"Erotica" PEPPERS / Massimos Erotica - set of 10 seeds. Plant and grow your own unique 'Erotica' pepper garden with this set of 10 quality seeds. The perfect choice for gardeners who like to experiment with new and interesting species, these peppers will add vibrancy and flavor to any dish.


"Pineapple Ghost" Chilly Pepper 10 seeds

'Pineapple Ghost' PEPPERS - Add an exotic feel to your garden with these unique flavored peppers. The pack includes 10 seeds that will produce fruit with a complex flavor combining the hotness of 'ghost' peppers with hints of pineapple.

"Gardenberry" F1 Cherry Tomatoes 10 seeds

Tomato variety "Gardenberry F1"

- rich in vitamins and minerals;
- essential for the normal functioning of the body;
- the thinnest crust;
- juicy and tender pulp;
- attractive aroma.

Each package contains 15 seeds.

"Trio mixed" Beetroot 300 seeds

BEETROOT MIX is a collection of 300 seeds divided into three different varieties of 100 each. This mix is perfect for gardeners who want to diversify their crops with different types of beets, rich in vitamins and minerals.

Kombucha mushroom - 1 package of starter culture(scoby)

"Kombucha Starter Culture" is everything you need to start your home Kombucha adventure. Includes a high-quality Scoby enriched with active yeast and lactic acid bacteria for quick and easy fermentation.
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